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What really matters during the Holiday season…

Soon the Holiday season craze is here again; what can we buy that does not make our bank account become minus for the next 3 months, especially if we are part of a big family. What really matters during the Holiday season, more then gifts and running around shopping for materialistic items; is true togetherness and creative spirit! So let’s relax and find new ways to be celebrate the Holidays. What about a picnic with special food served indoors, on an imaginary flying carpet, enjoying playfulness and fun; that is kind of a gift is preciousness.

So before some of us, go on automatic pilot and run to hundred stores trying to figure what was not bought to that niece last year and what kind of new item can one buy to this friend, etc., STOP in your tracks and think of a fun and innovative gift. It can even be a small self made marmalade or fun poster reprinted to ALL with a deep message of endless love and spiritually uplifting words, no?

Or why not make a special reservation at a non exotic destination, like a warmed up igloo in Finland with your in-laws, attempting to chill down the possible emotions that usually gush out once a year, (yes, when one is suppose to have fun…) or get a funny clown outfit and make all your cousine’s kids deliriously happy.

In case you do not think these suggestions are acceptable holiday gifts, or even viable possibilities, then I invite you listen to powerfully elevated music. Enchanted chants by Erez Yichiel, singing a poqueen-tulip-oil-canvaswerful & channeled piece from King David’s special psalms. Seriously, for some these times can be very stressful or lonely, so I don’t want to make fun of it, and therefor this may be a great idea to think of ~ a more spiritual and meaningful gift.

Or why not purchase a nice Kabbalah posters which has the motive of a Tulip and the Hebrew letter Shin, which is shaped like Tulip petals ~ that can be a unique and special gift for the holidays. Gifts of the heart and soul are often appreciated. So after these suggestion, I of course, also want to offer my heart-based book Tulip Love. It’s good for both individuals, couples or groups and communities; a gentle self help book describing how to become a King and Queen while holding one’s own Inner Child alive and healthy. See attached images from my oil painting series.


The Tulip King and Tulip Queen, are part of a 8 paintings series, that were designed for a special Paris Art show. As for the underlying message, it’s all about being inside one’s own powerful being-hood, and the more we sit inside our own selves, we become more regal, and we attract the right partner and circumstances in life. So may these holidays also be a wonderful time to connect with one another, if not only for romantic purposes, but for families, loved ones and wonderful friends. At times refreshing gifts of just being together with loving kindness and appreciation of one another, is more valuable then a nice shiny present.

I am sending a lot of wonderful blessings and already want invite you to our next 5th Dimensional Happening, 22 December at the 1st Station, in Jerusalem. For more info see Hamshushalayim Festival, and later on I will share our Facebook invite as well.

Many blessings and much much love, Eva Ariela